Saturday, January 28, 2017

Call Republican senators at these numbers and tell them to stop Trump's war on refugees

Here is a running list of phone numbers where I've been able to leave voice mail messages for Republican Senators; many others have voicemail boxes that are currently full as of Jan. 28:

John Boozman, Arkansas, (479) 573-0189
Richard Burr, North Carolina, (202) 224-3154
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana, (225) 929-7711
Thad Cochran, Mississippi, (202) 224-5054
Susan Collins, Maine, (202) 224-2523
Bob Corker, Tennessee, (901) 683-1910
John Cornyn, Texas, (806) 472-7533
Tom Cotton, Arkansas, (501) 223-9081
Mike Crapo, Idaho, (208) 236-6775
Steve Daines, Montana, (202) 224-2651
Deb Fischer, Nebraska, (202) 224-6551
Cory Garner, Colorado, (202) 224-5941
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, (864) 646-4090
Chuck Grassley, Iowa, (202) 224-3744
Orrin Hatch, Utah, (801) 524-4380
Johnny Isakson, Georgia, (202) 224-3643
John Kennedy, Louisiana, (202) 224-4623
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky, (270) 442-4554
John McCain, Arizona, (202) 224-2235
Marco Rubio, Florida, (850) 433-2603
Jerry Moran, Kansas, (202) 224-6521
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska, (907) 225-6880
Paul Rand, Kentucky, (202) 224-4343
David Perdue, Georgia, 202) 224-3521
Rob Portman, Ohio, (202) 224-3353
Ben Sasse, Nebraska, (202) 224-4224
Richard Shelby, Alabama, (202) 224-5744
Dan Sullivan, Alaska, (202) 224-3004
John Thune, South Dakota, (202) 224-2321
Roger Wicker, Mississippi, (202) 224-6253
Todd Young, Indiana, (202) 224-5623
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee, (865) 545-4253
Michael Enzi, Wyoming, (307) 527-9444, ext. 12 
John Hoeven, North Dakota, (701) 838-1361
James Lankford, Oklahoma, (918) 581-7651
Jeff Sessions, Alabama,  (334) 792-4924

I'm calling to ask Senator (insert name) to take a stand against Donald Trump's immoral and unjust actions against immigrants and refugees fleeing persecution from countries such as Syria. Innocent children and other refugees from these war-torn countries may lose their lives as a result of Donald Trump's actions. These people pose no threat to America or its people. No Syrian citizen has been responsible for any terrorist act or plot against this country. On the contrary, Donald Trump has excluded from his ban citizens of Saudi Arabia, the country that produced most of the terrorists that committed the 9/11 attacks against our country that cost the lives of nearly 3,000 Americans. Donald Trump has excluded Saudi Arabia, a country long known as a breeding ground for radicalism and terrorism and where he has extensive business interests, but targeted war-torn countries where children and families are seeking survival and freedom. Do not allow these refugees to perish the way Jewish refugees perished during the Nazi Holocaust when this country rejected them. Do not allow more Anne Franks to die in Syria, Iraq and Somalia. These are not the values and principles upon which our nation is based. It is up to you and the rest of the Republican members of Congress to stand up for what is right and just. Thank you for your time, (insert name)

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